martes, 27 de enero de 2015

final post !!

About the english summer course experience:

1.- what kind of activities have you done and learnt in classes?
well, i think the oral interaction in classes with my classmates was an interesting but complex situation, because one of the most difficult thing  about english language for me is to create a text or dialoge in this case and relate it in public but talking with persons in the same situation of me, allows me be more relaxed and the dialogue it becomes more fluid.

2.-What aspects of the english language do you still have to improve? how do you plain to do it?
As i said in the previous answer, it's really difficult to me speak in english, because i getting very nervous when i try to pronounce the words in english. (Always i getting nervous when i speak any language in public). i think the way to improve this will be first: confront more situation where i should speak in public and second: constantly practice the pronunciation in english, can be singing in english, like a karaoke, in this case i killed two birds with one shot jajaja.

About my plains to this summer:

1.-What are you going to do in february?
Well, in first i really want to take an extended nap for a full day and wake up without thinking that there is something to do. after that i'm plainning to travel with my family and friends to the beach for a few weekends, then, i want to go to camp anywhere. during this month i will try to think about my plan for the rest of the year, i really want to meditate in the middle of forest or anywhere bu outside of this city.

well that's all, i think i improve my level of english during the cours in fact, thank for that, and now i will prepare for the final exam and then, prepare for the free month that's comming.  see you !

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

A work of art that I have made

Hello everyone, today i'm going to talk about a work of art that i did in the past year. The name of this work was "14 de junio de 1977" an investigation about the first hunger strike of relatives of missing prisioners. performed in the C.E.P.A.L building in Santiago, 1977.
The work was exhibited in the museo de la memoria of Santiago.
with a group of colleagues collected the testimonies of the relatives who were still alive. besides, we investigated all the information that contained in the files of the Museo de la memoria. we work for a full year, intervewieng people, also raising founds to build the project.
We exhibited pictures of the documents and relatives In the museum hall. Besides, in other hall we built many black pillars that contained inside the voice of relatives of the missing prisioners. on the other hand, we wrote few fragments of letter that they received during the strike.
I really like this work because i had never worked so long in a project, besides this project allowed me to meet wonderful people and complex histories.
Even if i think that work with topics related to military dictatorship can be difficult because is very easy to fall into a pamphleteer work. this work was a positive piece, because thank to this all the relatives could meet again.
The most important thing of this work was that we could recognize the work of fighting that made a lot of womens, between them mothers, wives and daughters in Chile.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

Post 6: Have yo ever...?

1.-Have you ever been on tv?
Well... I haven't, but i have many failed experiences with the mass media when i was a child. i went to a television program whose name was "sol y luna" as a part of the public with all my classmates from the school in this time, but the program never was emit on tv, that's really sad. luckily, one time i appeared in the newspaper, specifically in "el mercurio" but i really hate this newspaper and besides, in this oportunity i realized a presentation of the naval combat of iquique front the mayor of providencia: Cristian Labbe.

2.-Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time?
Yes, I have. When i was a child, my mother took me to the hairdresser, i really hated go to the hairdresser because always shaved all my hair and i was bald. Then once, my mother decided to realize me the ronaldo's haircut, almost completely shaved but with a little bit of hair on the forehead. so nasty !

3.-have you ever talked to a famous person ?  
Well, when i was a child, i believed that i have. as you know, i went to a unknown program called "sol y luna" and logically, this program only had unknown characters. I talked with person called "luka luka" dressed as a cavernicola, I asked him to give me his autograph and when i gone to my home my family made me know that this person wasn't famous.

4.-have you ever been mugged?
Yes, I have. In two times, i was mugged, the first time everything happened to fast. and really, almost i was'nt felt it. In the second time, the assault was more traumatic, the thieves, two in this case, they grabbed me and took everythings that contain my pocket in this moment. when the thieves fled I ran behind them and i shout to give me my school pass. they looked at me and shouted me: " fuck off!!

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

4.- What´s your opinion?

-What is your opinion about abstract art?
Well, i think the abstrac art it's fine, in my case i don´t really like so much, but, anyway, i think this expression of art allows to experiment more techniques and different ways to think the work of arts.

-What is your opinion about women in the military?

First: i think the war in general is the worst invention of the human being, but in any case, every work can be realized for a women or men, regardless of gender.

-What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

The chilean politicians and the politicians around the world are infected by craving of power and money (wich in this case are the same). I think the situation get worse in Chile because the politicians here pretended to imitate all things that ocurrs in the "developed" countries.

-What is your opinion about Hollywood movies?

I think the Hollywood movies are ok about the technology applied in the construction of hes movies, but the most of the films abuse of this resource. another thing that i think it's really bad, it's the damage that the hollywood industry produced in the alternative movies production in the rest of the world.

-What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I completely agree with that option, because i think everyone is free to choose what to do with our body, in addition, has been shown that marijuana have positive effects on some symptoms on top, i think the marijuana can be expand the horizons of thought, helps to promote the reflection, the creativity and relaxation. If it's correctly, the marijuana is an inoffensive drug.     

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015


1.- What's your general evaluation?
It was a great year for me. principally because, I realized many travel during that year. I traveled to many places in chile and the most greatest trip was when I went to brazil with a group of friends and colleagues of my university, exactly  we went to sao paulo city. I visited the most important museum to sao paulo during the day, later, in the night, we went to many bars, to danced at discos and clubs in the city.

2.- What about work or studies?
at studies, I felt very confuse during that year, because that was my last year of my career and I have to confront the reality and emerged me doubts with respect the work of art.
at work, was fine. because I could work in a art Project in the museo de la memoria during all of the year, I met wonderful people and i received money for work on what to study (didn´t mean much, but anyway, it gave me trust with respect my career,

3.-What was the best of 2014?
The best of 2014 was that i recovered the comunication with my father wich was very distanced and strengthened the relationship with my mother. 

4.-What was the worst?
 I think the worst thing that ocurred to me was the existential crisis that lived when i finished the university. I felt that I was detained for four years. i really love arts, and during my career i met very valuable people, I could expand greatly my knowledge, but i discovered that i hate the "world" of art or at least what I know here in Chile.

well, that`s all, see you soon

martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

A song i like

Bjork- Enjoy 

 The song that I like is enjoy of the Icelandic singer Bjork, worldwide known  for its excentricism and musical versatility. This artist manages develop a new concept in each of their albums, emphasizing in the musical experimentation, developing an interdisciplinary work that mixes art, music, science and technology. Currently she is at the highest point in her career because her entire repertoire will be exhibited at the MOMA museum new york, being one of the first musicians to exhibit in this great place.
This song I met through a friend's fan of this artist, Initially I started to listening because, I was interested musically, this led me to concentrate on the letter and started to translate.

I was surprised to discover that the letter fit completely with what I was living at that time. The song, in my interpretation, talks about a change in the way we think and act towards life, neither positive or negative, but in a  detached manner.

Well, here is the link of the song with spanish subtitles.

A country I would like to visit

Hello everybody ! today i´m going to talk about the place that i would like to visit.
well, the place that i would like to visit it's the Angkor's region in Camboya. Principally for the temples and monuments there are in this zone. i think it's because i like everything ralated to ancient cultures or history in general and i only know these ancient places by a pictures or documentaries that i have seen.
I like these temples because one of think that i love in this live is the architecture and i really admire the power of it's constructions that persist so far. 
Besides i like these places because in there the nature and the human constructions coexist even at the expense of time. 
If i go there someday i will to take my own pictures. I would like to travel by all temples of the Angkor's region and i hope to meet people that living there. 
if i have the oportunity, i'd like to stay here for a long time to know this culture of a more profound way.

I hope to go to this region someday.
see you soon!

(here an image of the Ta Prohm temple)