lunes, 5 de enero de 2015


1.- What's your general evaluation?
It was a great year for me. principally because, I realized many travel during that year. I traveled to many places in chile and the most greatest trip was when I went to brazil with a group of friends and colleagues of my university, exactly  we went to sao paulo city. I visited the most important museum to sao paulo during the day, later, in the night, we went to many bars, to danced at discos and clubs in the city.

2.- What about work or studies?
at studies, I felt very confuse during that year, because that was my last year of my career and I have to confront the reality and emerged me doubts with respect the work of art.
at work, was fine. because I could work in a art Project in the museo de la memoria during all of the year, I met wonderful people and i received money for work on what to study (didn´t mean much, but anyway, it gave me trust with respect my career,

3.-What was the best of 2014?
The best of 2014 was that i recovered the comunication with my father wich was very distanced and strengthened the relationship with my mother. 

4.-What was the worst?
 I think the worst thing that ocurred to me was the existential crisis that lived when i finished the university. I felt that I was detained for four years. i really love arts, and during my career i met very valuable people, I could expand greatly my knowledge, but i discovered that i hate the "world" of art or at least what I know here in Chile.

well, that`s all, see you soon

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