jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

Post 6: Have yo ever...?

1.-Have you ever been on tv?
Well... I haven't, but i have many failed experiences with the mass media when i was a child. i went to a television program whose name was "sol y luna" as a part of the public with all my classmates from the school in this time, but the program never was emit on tv, that's really sad. luckily, one time i appeared in the newspaper, specifically in "el mercurio" but i really hate this newspaper and besides, in this oportunity i realized a presentation of the naval combat of iquique front the mayor of providencia: Cristian Labbe.

2.-Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time?
Yes, I have. When i was a child, my mother took me to the hairdresser, i really hated go to the hairdresser because always shaved all my hair and i was bald. Then once, my mother decided to realize me the ronaldo's haircut, almost completely shaved but with a little bit of hair on the forehead. so nasty !

3.-have you ever talked to a famous person ?  
Well, when i was a child, i believed that i have. as you know, i went to a unknown program called "sol y luna" and logically, this program only had unknown characters. I talked with person called "luka luka" dressed as a cavernicola, I asked him to give me his autograph and when i gone to my home my family made me know that this person wasn't famous.

4.-have you ever been mugged?
Yes, I have. In two times, i was mugged, the first time everything happened to fast. and really, almost i was'nt felt it. In the second time, the assault was more traumatic, the thieves, two in this case, they grabbed me and took everythings that contain my pocket in this moment. when the thieves fled I ran behind them and i shout to give me my school pass. they looked at me and shouted me: " fuck off!!

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