martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

A country I would like to visit

Hello everybody ! today i´m going to talk about the place that i would like to visit.
well, the place that i would like to visit it's the Angkor's region in Camboya. Principally for the temples and monuments there are in this zone. i think it's because i like everything ralated to ancient cultures or history in general and i only know these ancient places by a pictures or documentaries that i have seen.
I like these temples because one of think that i love in this live is the architecture and i really admire the power of it's constructions that persist so far. 
Besides i like these places because in there the nature and the human constructions coexist even at the expense of time. 
If i go there someday i will to take my own pictures. I would like to travel by all temples of the Angkor's region and i hope to meet people that living there. 
if i have the oportunity, i'd like to stay here for a long time to know this culture of a more profound way.

I hope to go to this region someday.
see you soon!

(here an image of the Ta Prohm temple)



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