martes, 27 de enero de 2015

final post !!

About the english summer course experience:

1.- what kind of activities have you done and learnt in classes?
well, i think the oral interaction in classes with my classmates was an interesting but complex situation, because one of the most difficult thing  about english language for me is to create a text or dialoge in this case and relate it in public but talking with persons in the same situation of me, allows me be more relaxed and the dialogue it becomes more fluid.

2.-What aspects of the english language do you still have to improve? how do you plain to do it?
As i said in the previous answer, it's really difficult to me speak in english, because i getting very nervous when i try to pronounce the words in english. (Always i getting nervous when i speak any language in public). i think the way to improve this will be first: confront more situation where i should speak in public and second: constantly practice the pronunciation in english, can be singing in english, like a karaoke, in this case i killed two birds with one shot jajaja.

About my plains to this summer:

1.-What are you going to do in february?
Well, in first i really want to take an extended nap for a full day and wake up without thinking that there is something to do. after that i'm plainning to travel with my family and friends to the beach for a few weekends, then, i want to go to camp anywhere. during this month i will try to think about my plan for the rest of the year, i really want to meditate in the middle of forest or anywhere bu outside of this city.

well that's all, i think i improve my level of english during the cours in fact, thank for that, and now i will prepare for the final exam and then, prepare for the free month that's comming.  see you !

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